” locating the story entirely within the Iovine family home, it also virtually eliminates the context that drives the characters to their supposed moral depravity, primarily that of Gennaro’s wife Amalia (Brigit Wilson) who, through her connection with Errico (Michael Blake), sources black-market food for her neighbours for a marked-up price. Gennaro, a First World War veteran, disapproves but doesn’t intervene…
This Stratford season looks at the implications of the pursuit of freedom, and the black-and-white morality of Napoli Milionaria! feels like an unexpected tone to close on, especially since its marketing places it squarely in the realm of comedy. Cimolino delivers a loving testament to a beloved Italian writer who is relatively unknown in Canada — if only he had saved some of that empathy for all of Eduardo De Filippo’s characters.”
Read Full Review08/20/2018