“My favourite character, as the kids say, was Captain Hook, portrayed in complex fashion by [Laura] Condlln. She is sometimes the necessary boo-able baddie, but at others has more depth. Her Hook seems jealous of Peter Pan’s eternal youthfulness – but is also clearly sick and tired of playing kids’ games. (Sara-Jeanne Hosie makes a fine panto sidekick as Smee.)
Played, as he is, by a female actor, Hook also seems to be offering genuine advice to Wendy when he says, ‘Why is it that Peter Pan never has to grow up – but you have to be Mother right from the get-go?’…
My five-year-old was actually more attentive in the second act than the first and said he loved it all at the end, especially how the characters flew with “real live ropes.” Kids say the darnedest, etc.”
Read Full Review06/21/2024