David Stones is a poet based in Stratford Ontario. His poems have been published internationally and won awards.
We recorded this podcast earlier this year at Pazzo-Taverna in Stratford. Stones is performing at Revival House on Sunday, Oct. 20th at 8pm in his hit show “Infinite Sequels.”
In a review of the show in The London Free Press Joe Belanger wrote that “‘Infinite Sequels’ is a brilliant, beautiful piece of theatre. Stone recites his poignant poetry with mostly subtle gesture, movement and animated face, asking us to face moments and questions about our lives we may not have even recognized.”
Stones is accompanied by a violinist in the show, which ads an imaginative aspect to his words.
In our conversation Stones admits his love of poetry goes back to his youth confessing that it was only later in life, after his career and kids were no longer a pressing concern, that he found the freedom to truly hone his work and share it publicly.
He talks about his creative process and his inspiration: Dylan Thomas and Leonard Cohen to name a few. Stones also shares his thoughts on the intersection of poetry and social media.
Get Tickets
David Stones
Infinite Sequels
Sunday, Oct. 20
Revival House
70 Brunswick Street, Stratford, ON
Show time and get tickets online
David Stones Website
David Stone on Instagram
Ladies and Gentlemen… Mr. Leonard Cohen – watch for free at NFB.ca
Catch him at the Stratford Writers Festival in October
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