Every week thousands of people visit this site for reviews and information about theatre, in and around, Stratford.
Below are the most popular shows reviews, by page views, on the site for the period Monday, June 8 – Sunday, June 14, 2015.
1 – The Taming of the Shrew
2 – Hamlet
3 – Carousel
Two shows opened during the period of this report, but only one, “The Taming of the Shrew,” made the list.
“She Stoops to Conquer,” directed by Martha Henry, received generally positive reviews, but as Robyn Godfrey noted in her review, there was “no opening night standing ovation.
In recent years at Stratford the standing-O has become the norm rather than the exception – especially on opening nights – so the lack of one is something close to devastating.”
This is the previous week’s list.
1 – Carousel
2 – The Adventures of Pericles
3 – The Taming of the Shrew
The most popular blog post last week was:
Huron Country Playhouse 2015 playbill
The Huron Country Playhouse is 60 minutes, by car, from the Stratford Festival.
As well a s being informative, this post receives a lot of traffic from organic search results.
“Anne of Green Gables: is currently on stage, “Chicago,” which I’m looking forward to seeing, runs from July 2nd to July 18th.
Last year at this time the most popular show was:
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Director Chris Abraham’s work at Stratford is consistently well thought out and thoroughly engaging on many levels. Have a look at last year’s reviews of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” his innovative, gender bending, approach to the text that divided the critics.
“The Taming of the Shrew” is receiving excellent reviews. However, James Wegg, cited The Three Stooges in his review to illustrate his thoughts that the play’s broad comedy diminishes “Kate’s metamorphosis.” Broad comedy aside Wegg, noted, as most critics have, that “Kate’s “Fie, fie” speech as rendered by Hay was nothing short of superb.”
In fact the universal praise of Deborah Hay is remarkable.
What did you think?
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