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Stratford Slow Food Sunday

Don’t miss the Stratford Slow Food Market every Sunday from 10am to 2pm.

If you’re bringing the family be sure to check out Stratford Family Fun.

Sundays, until thanksgiving, you’ll find eco-friendly foodies buying and selling everything from gluten-free, almond flour muffins to pungent garlic scapes.


The gathering happens at the Market Square from 10am – 2pm and it’s a casual affair. Last week I spent some time there and chatted with the folks from Kawthoolei Farm Organics. KawthooleiWideW Kawthoolei means “land without evil” in the Karen language, which is found in Burma and across the border into Thailand.

Kawthoolei Farm Organics is a small, community supported farm that produces certified organic, fresh produce grown the old fashioned way. I bought some of their garlic scapes and tried this recipe from 2 Sisters Garlic:



Sautéed Garlic Scapes
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp dark brown sugar (I used honey instead)
8 oz garlic scapes, trimmed
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped tomatoes
3/4 cup dry white wine
1/4 tsp ground pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1/4 cup grilled haloumi cheese, diced


A great place to spend a Sunday morning

The relaxed ambiance and authentic, local food make the Slow Food Market a great place to spend a Sunday morning. You’ll find fresh fruits, delectable vegetables, and baked goods that’ll inspire your meals for the week ahead.

Or, if you are like me, it’ll all be eaten in the car on the drive home.

Before you leave, be sure to drop in at Stratford’s favourite coffee shop Revel Cafe. Revel is located at #37 Market Square, in the historic E.G. Budd & Sons feed company building. Owner Anne Campion has traveled to Nicaragua, working with the locals to better understand the coffee bean harvesting process. She imports Revel’s beans directly from a third-generation plantation.


Finally, don’t leave the market without watching the buskers.
I was lucky enough to catch Brendan J Stephens performing He and the band sounded great. Click the image above to listen to the audio I recorded during their performance on the street. Here’s his Facebook page.

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Stratford Slow Food Sunday

Keith Tomasek
3 August 2013
Non-Theatre Fun

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